viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

Top 10 patient safety posts of 2010

(extraído de la página


We round up our top 10 blog posts of 2010, so that you can review what’s peaked the interest of you and your colleagues!

1. Do you know the difference between a policy and a procedure?

Policies and procedures seem to be increasingly lumped into one bucket, and they shouldn’t be! Click here to read more.

2. Who is running the policy and procedure ship?

How do you find a patient captain to run your policy and procedure ship? Click here to read more.

3. Crossing the quality chasm.

How do the IOM’s 6 aims of improvement apply to policy management. Click here to read more.

4. 10 tips for writing policies staff will read.

Download the 10 qualities of good policies as a resource to help you write policies that staff will read. Click here to read more.

5. The happy nurse.

How to make your nurses happy to contribute to policy revisions. Click here to read more.

6. The patient’s push for better policy management.

What happens when a patient asks a nurse to bring him/her a copy of the policy? Click here to read more.

7. Assessing the gaps of your policy management system.

How to navigate the difficult process of assessing your hospital’s policy management process for gaps. Click here to read more.

8. The unhappy nurse.

Why nurses don’t contribute to policy revisions, and how to overcome that. Click here to read more.

9. Fall prevention – where practice meets policy.

How to bring together hospital policy and practice to minimize falls. Click here to read more.

10. Thinking beyond The Joint Commission for patient safety.

Taking a proactive culture for patient safty, outside the realms of regulatory bodies. Click here to read more.

domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

EVADUR: eventos adversos ligados a la asistencia en los servicios de urgencias españoles

Recientemente ha sido publicado el trabajo titulado EVADUR: eventos adversos ligados a la asistencia en los servicios de urgencias españoles, en la revista EMERGENCIAS (revista incluida recientemente en el Science Citation Index).
El trabajo ha sido realizado entre 21 servicios de urgencias hospitalarios españoles, habiendo analizado de manera prospectiva la asistencia realizada sobre un total de 3854 pacientes que acudieron a los servicios de urgencias , siendo el primer trabajo de estas características realizado en nuestro país .

El trabajo puede descargarse libremente desde la página web de la revista: