miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2010

Una lectura interesante y recomendada

Human Factors in Patient Safety: Review of Topics and Tools... Sherman et al, 2009). www.who.int/entity/patientsafety/research/methods_measures/human_factors/human_factors review.pdf

This document presents a basic description of ten topic areas relating to organizational and human factors influencing patient safety.

Otra cita interesante, obtenida de la lectura de la bibliografia de la cita anterior....:

Schaefer, H., Helmreich, R. & Scheideggar, D. (1994) Human factors and safety in emergency medicine. Resuscitation, 28, 221-225.

Croskerry, P., Cosby, K., Schenkel, S. & Wears, R. (2008). Patient Safety in Emergency Medicine. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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